Agent Carter: 10 Easter Eggs, In-Jokes And References

5. Dr Zola's Cellmate

Agent Carter Easter Eggs

This is a less subtle one but certainly a tantalising crossover with the wider world of the MCU. In a surprising twist in the final moments of the season's last episode Valediction, the villainous Dr Fenhoff meets his new cellmate - none other than Captain America's old adversary, Dr Armin Zola!

While it has not been confirmed, the teaming-up of these two felons would somewhat elaborate on the backstory of the Winter Solider from the second Captain America film. Pairing Zola with Fenhoff, with his mind-bending abilities, does go someway to explain how HYDRA brainwashed Bucky from being Cap's loyal best bud to an amnesiac assassin. Whether this will be confirmed in the second season of Agent Carter or even in Captain America: Civil War remains to be seen.

Another question this raises, which we don't have an answer for, is why in the world did those prison guards think putting these two supervillains together was in any way a good idea?


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