Agent Carter: Ranking The Characters Worst To Best

6. Daniel Sousa

Played By: Enver Gjokaj Outside of his temporary disgust at believing Peggy to be a traitor, the two were able to bond throughout the season over their outcast status; she as a woman, he as a cripple. Sousa was honorable, noble, and - most importantly - respectful of Peggy, echoing shades of Steve Rogers' best traits even if it was clear that any feelings he was having for Peggy were being kept in, undoubtedly under the belief that he could never live up to Captain America in her eyes. Either way, Sousa's a likable character, and one whose return in season two can build off the respect the two have for one another now that he's the head of the Los Angeles branch of the SSR. How any personal feelings he may still have for Peggy come into play is anyone's guess, but his mere presence as a familiar ally will still serve to pay off threads left dangling about her place in the SSR and how people's views about her have changed ahead of her inevitable call to help form S.H.I.E.L.D.

Writer, film enthusiast, part-time gamer and watcher of (mostly) good television located on the fringe of Los Angeles, who now has his own website at!