Agent Carter: Ranking The Characters Worst To Best

3. Howard Stark

Played By: Dominic Cooper Outside of Peggy herself and Dum Dum Dugan - who guested leading the Howling Commandos in one of the season's best episodes - Howard Stark is the only other character from The First Avenger to make the leap to the series, and that's a good thing, because Cooper's performance was even more fun to watch here than it was in the film. It's pretty clear Cooper is enjoying the role, echoing shades of Tony Stark's personality without ever dipping into needless mimicry, helping Howard stand as a fun, lovable, playboy genius all his own. It's hard to believe he only appeared in three episodes of the series, especially when so much of the narrative thrust revolved around his actions and inventions, but he owned every moment he was on screen. Cooper's a joy to watch and his chemistry with Hayley Atwell is electric, and it's hard not to be happy that he managed to make time outside of his role in AMC's upcoming adaptation of Preacher to return for season two.

Writer, film enthusiast, part-time gamer and watcher of (mostly) good television located on the fringe of Los Angeles, who now has his own website at!