Agents Of SHIELD: 10 MIA Characters Who Should Return

8. Audrey

Last Seen: Having been successfully used as bait by Coulson and the team to lure out and capture Blackout in Season One's "The Only Light in the Darkness." After being referenced to in The Avengers and several early episodes of the show, Coulson's former girlfriend finally turned up in the flesh in the first season to help catch the very same man that brought her and Coulson together in the first place. With her having grieved her former lover's death, though, Coulson refused to let her know he was alive throughout the episode. Aside from a few further references, she hasn't been seen since, with Coulson eventually moving his affections onto Rosalind Price, though that didn't last long. Considering how much Audrey was alluded to before she turned up, it was disappointing to see her not actually share scenes - while conscious, at least - with Coulson, though that could be rectified through flashbacks (that are relevant, of course) or by mining the dramatic material that would come from her finally learning he's alive.

Writer, film enthusiast, part-time gamer and watcher of (mostly) good television located on the fringe of Los Angeles, who now has his own website at!