Agents Of SHIELD: 5 Things Fans Want From The Series Finale

2. A Happy Ending...

Agents Of SHIELD Season 1

The cast of Agents of SHIELD have gone through so much over the course of the series.

Just this season, Simmons had her memories of her husband wiped, Mack had to fight Chronicoms in the bodies of his parents, Coulson has died and came back six episodes in, and it would take a novel to describe what happened to Daisy. Needless to say, the agents need a break.

Hopefully, Agents of SHIELD ends happily. This isn't to say that the last episode should be devoid of drama or conflict, and that the final scene should see the agents alive and well riding the Zephyr into the sunset, but the final beats of the series should be upbeat.

Odds are, some of our favourite characters are going to die. Enoch did say that this would be the team's last mission together, and it's not like we'll see them all together again in Season 8. That said, after all of the inevitable sadness is over, the writers should finally give whatever agents make it to the credits the happy ending they deserve.


Richard C. Kraus (Richie to pretty much everyone) is an American college student and world record holder for most views of the 2015 film Ant-Man. He aspires to be a screenwriter, actor, and not tired.