Agents Of SHIELD: 20 Easter Eggs And In-Jokes You Probably Missed

9. Escape Of The Man-Thing!

In €œNothing Personal€, it€™s cool enough that Maria Hill guest stars in the episode, and even cooler that she€™s chatting on the phone with Iron Man alum Pepper Potts about the hearings she€™s having to sit through in the wake of The Winter Soldier and her future work prospects at Stark Industries. However, once Man-Thing got a mention the comics rumour mill tripled its output. A not-so-subtle ripoff of DC€™s somewhat better-known Swamp Thing, Man-Thing belongs to the more horror and occultish side of the Marvel Universe that€™s most famously occupied by Doctor Strange, a character who was namedropped in The Winter Soldier and who Man-Thing has ties to in the comics, along with his MU wife Ellen Brandt who made an appearance in Iron Man 3 as one of Aldrich Killian€™s Extremis soldiers. It€™s starting to seem like the MCU€™s eager to start reaching out to the more unusual corners of itself, isn€™t it? Man-Thing even got his own low-budget horror movie in the 1980s, a little-seen picture starring Ray Wise as the titular €˜Thing, so Marvel are clearly gearing up for a multi-million dollar reboot of said franchise.

Film history obsessive, New Hollywood fetishist and comics evangelist.