Agents Of SHIELD: 20 Easter Eggs And In-Jokes You Probably Missed

8. 616

€œ0-8-4€ sees the first mention of the team€™s plane€™s call sign: 616, which is just a number to everyone not quite nerdy enough to know that the Marvel Universe in the comics is but one of many endless alternate universes and realities, and the one in which most of the stories the company take place is designated no. 616. It€™s unclear whether or not this means that inter-universal travel is ever going to take place in the MCU, but it€™s a nice, unobtrusive nod to some comic trivia nonetheless. That said, if ABC and Marvel Studios were to explore the stories possible from travelling to alternate universes, a TV show based on Exiles, a comic that follows a ragtag band of heroes each from different realities as they travel from universe to universe saving countless versions of Earth and solving horrific continuity problems.

Film history obsessive, New Hollywood fetishist and comics evangelist.