Agents Of SHIELD: 20 Easter Eggs And In-Jokes You Probably Missed

7. The Busy Life Of Jasper Sitwell

You€™ve all seen Captain America: The Winter Soldier by now, right? Good, then you won€™t mind if I talk about Agent Jasper €œJudas€ Sitwell and his treacherous ways for a moment. In €œEnd of the Beginning€, we learn that Sitwell is ordered to leave for the Lemurian Star, the ship that€™s featured in the beginning of the aforementioned film, and could also be a reference to one of two sea-dwelling Atlantean races that exist in the comics. Also in the same episode, John Garrett makes fun of Sitwell for supposedly never getting shot at despite the fact that we know he can handle himself admirably in a fight, as shown in the Item 47 Marvel One-Shot that came on the Avengers DVD. This is a recurring joke in the comics, too: Sitwell€™s a decorated and extremely capable Agent of S.H.I.E.L.D., but everyone else in the organisation underestimates him.

Film history obsessive, New Hollywood fetishist and comics evangelist.