Agents Of SHIELD: 20 Easter Eggs And In-Jokes You Probably Missed

5. "With great power comes..."

There are a ton of on the nose references to comics and various Marvel-related things in Agents of SHIELD€™s pilot episode, from the team€™s aforementioned €œjourney into mystery€ and Michael Peterson€™s belief that what is happening to him isn€™t a disaster, but €œan origin story€. There are none quite so familiar, however, as Skye€™s words of wisdom to a frightened Mike: €œWith great power comes...a ton of weird crap that you are not prepared to deal with.€ Now, everyone knows how that famous line from Spider-Man€™s origin story is meant to go, even if they€™ve never read a page of Amazing (or even Superior), and Skye€™s subversion of the overly grandiose sentiment is a nice, very Whedon-y spin on a familiar and overused trope. Whether that was born of the writers wanting to fit as many clever nudges and winks as possible in or simply that the televisual and film rights to Uncle Ben€™s one and only catchphrase lie completely with Sony is uncertain, but Stan Lee probably doesn€™t mind being paraphrased all that much.

Film history obsessive, New Hollywood fetishist and comics evangelist.