Agents Of SHIELD: 20 Easter Eggs And In-Jokes You Probably Missed

16. Fitz Wants To Embrace Change

Early in the season, Leo Fitz tells his colleagues on several occasions to €œembrace change€. An innocuous enough statement, especially coming from a scientist who is by definition generally pretty progressive, but once you know that statement€™s history in Marvel€™s comics it all starts to get a bit sinister... During Marvel€™s Secret Invasion event a few years back in which an alien race called Skrulls (known as the Chitauri in the MCU) impersonated a ton of superheroes and attempted an invasion of Earth, one of the marketing slogans for the comic was €œEmbrace Change€. There have been other references to the race€™s continued connection to the MCU, from the alien writing on the chalkboard at the end of €œEye Spy€ and the various Chitauri artifacts found after the Battle of New York. Does this mean Fitz is going to turn out to be an alien impostor? Well, perhaps not, as in €œThe Only Light In The Darkness Fitz says, €œI hate change€, which could either mean that he killed and took back the place his impostor stole without telling anyone or the writers just didn€™t want to commit to another universe-shaking storyline for next season this early.

Film history obsessive, New Hollywood fetishist and comics evangelist.