Agents Of SHIELD: 20 Easter Eggs And In-Jokes You Probably Missed

15. Coulson's Destroyer Gun

During the team€™s fight with Centipede during Agents of SHIELD€™s season finale, Nick Fury provides Coulson with a familiar-looking weapon: the Destroyer Gun, which has not one but two origin stories in the Marvel Cinematic Universe. The Destroyer was Thor€™s punching bag in his titular first movie, a mindless automaton intent on, well, destroying everything in its path. As we all know, the Asgardian knocked seven bells out of him and SHIELD were on hand to pick up the pieces. Their scientists developed a weapon from the pieces, which hadn€™t even been fully tested when Coulson faced down Loki during his escape from the Helicarrier in The Avengers. He managed to get one satisfying shot just before he died (but, as we know, he got better) so Fury presenting Coulson with an item so connected to his own mortality must have been a singularly strange sensation for the Agent.

Film history obsessive, New Hollywood fetishist and comics evangelist.