Agents Of SHIELD: 20 Easter Eggs And In-Jokes You Probably Missed

14. "Journey Into Mystery"

There have been plenty of famous Marvel quotes and comic references plonked into the first season, with some of the more famous ones being awkwardly shoehorned into dialogue and the less iconic plugs passing many viewers by, hidden in relatively innocuous lines (usually spoken by Fitz/Simmons, as they€™re clearly the nerd audience€™s surrogate in terms of oblique references and crippled social abilities). Occasionally, however, the writers decide to put a reference that more or less no comic-illiterate viewers would get in a line or two that has no real purpose other than the fact that it€™s an easter egg, confusing and embarrassing in equal measure. The earliest (and possibly most ostentatious) of these appears in the pilot, when Simmons mentions to Skye that she€™ll be joining them on their €œjourney into mystery€, something that no scientist has ever said outside of a comic convention or a sci-fi themed bar and thus sticks out like a sore thumb as something of a desperate attempt from the show€™s makers to remind the audience that they€™re watching a show born of a cultural phenomenon that, until recently, used to be way more niche. Simmons€™ strained delivery of the line doesn€™t help matters much. For those not in the know, Journey Into Mystery was €“ no prizes for guessing this one €“ Marvel€™s mystery comic up until Thor joined the book, which retained its title until it became a titular vehicle for the Norse hunk. The title was recently resurrected (confounding numbering and all) by writer Kieron Gillen and focused on a reborn Loki trying to do good. It developed a huge cult following right up until Gillen left the book last year, at which point it switched focus to having Sif as its lead character and was promptly cancelled.

Film history obsessive, New Hollywood fetishist and comics evangelist.