Agents Of SHIELD: 20 Easter Eggs And In-Jokes You Probably Missed

13. The Blue Alien Is A Kree?

One of the season€™s biggest reveals was that Coulson€™s post-Avengers resurrection was due in large part to a serum derived from alien blood €“ in particular, one very blue, very dead alien that Coulson discovers in the secret base he invaded with Agents Garrett and Triplett...shortly before the whole place falls in on itself in a self-destruction protocol they inadvertently activated. The race and identity of said alien has been a point of intense scrutiny since the episode aired, but we might have gotten a huge clue in the episode €œYes Man€, thanks to visiting Asgardian Sif (Jaimie Alexander). During a quiet moment on the team€™s Bus, Coulson quietly asks the warrior if she€™s ever encountered any blue aliens during her travels throughout the nine realms, to which she immediately reels off a list of about half a dozen races, none of which jump out €“ except one. The most recognisable name Sif mentions is Kree €“ a term familiar to comic readers, as they€™ve played huge parts in the lives of many storylines and characters€™ lives, most notably the various Captain Marvels.

Film history obsessive, New Hollywood fetishist and comics evangelist.