Agents Of SHIELD: 8 Theories On Skye's Parents' Identity

6. Baron Helmut Zemo

Helmut Zemo is the second character to be known as Baron Zemo, after his father. He is a recurring villain seen in the Captain America comics and also a leader of the Thunderbolts. The major reason why he features in this list is because he is horribly scarred after falling into a vat of boiling Adhesive X. In the source material only his face is injured but it would be easy to imagine that this could be expanded across his entire body for an appearance in the MCU. But he doesn't have any specific connection to China, given that he was born in Germany and kept to the western world. Nor does it explain the blood/ooze issue unless he is still so seriously injured from the burns that they are continually leaking some sort of gunk. Obviously, that might be a little bit too disgusting to appear on an ABC family show. A Baron Zemo appearance might lead into Avengers 2 with Baron Strucker already known to be appearing, but this could actually work against it as it is unlikely that Marvel would want to have two HYDRA/German-esque Barons running around confusing the fans who aren't familiar with their separate backgrounds.

I'm a pop culture addict. Television, cinema, comics, games - you name it, and I've done it. Or at least read the plot synopsis on Wikipedia.