Agents Of SHIELD: 8 Theories On Skye's Parents' Identity

1. The Unspoken

Pretty much the standard theory following the finale is that Skye is in fact an Inhuman of some description, as are her parents. This would explain the whole monsters thing and her reaction to the GH-325 - if that blue alien was indeed a Kree then she would be able to absorb material from it because the Inhuman share genetic code with them. But if you take for a moment that she is indeed an Inhuman, then who precisely could her parents be? Given the Chinese location, it makes the former king of the Inhumans a distinct possibility. He is known only as The Unspoken and has a tremendous array of powers. At one point in the comics he defeated three different incarnations of the Avengers at the same time and is eventually only subdued by one of his own weapons. While the blood/ooze dripping is unexplained, the scarred appearance could simply be a redesign. As for Skye, that means if she was exposed to the terrigen mists then she would gain her Inhuman abilities. This could also explain when Raina asked about what she would become if she is also one, although this could also be a bluff by the Unspoken to make her work for him. But Marvel have denied the Inhuman link to Skye, saying -
€œWell, Inhumans is something that we are definitely thinking about and we think there€™s great potential there for a great movie. But, no, no €” we have not linked those two.€
However the internet community considers this to be the far likeliest of all the scenarios, and speculation will continue to rage. So what do you think? Are any of these likely, or do you think that there is another possible origin for Skye? Let us know below!

I'm a pop culture addict. Television, cinema, comics, games - you name it, and I've done it. Or at least read the plot synopsis on Wikipedia.