6. Dorian Can Change His Voice
Seems pretty simple for an android to do, but seeing Dorian's ability to change his voice (and speak in other languages) was a nice touch nonetheless. When the police jam the frequencies of the building so that no one can call in or out, all calls are sent to Dorian instead. He begins receiving all of the 9-11 calls from the hostages and attempts to calm each one. At one point we see him speak portuguese in a woman's voice (because in their culture, it's statistically proven that they find a woman's voice more soothing). Then, he mimic's John's voice before handing the call over to him. As I said, it's expected that an android would be able to not only a) speak other languages, but b) change their voices on command, but it's a clever way for the writers to introduce the ability so that they can use it later. It also added another bit of comic relief to the tense hostage plot, and a great moment between John and Dorian.