American Dad! - 10 Most Uncomfortable Episodes

7. Flirting With Disaster

Camp American

'Flirting With Disaster' starts as a blatant parody of The Office USA, with wobbly cameras capturing the wacky everyday goings-on in the CIA. Stan is shown to engage in harmless flirting with his female coworkers, particularly the office secretary, Lorraine.

Eventually, Francine lands herself a job in the same office as her husband and is flirted with incessantly by every male around her. This angers both Stan and Lorraine, and together, they hatch a plan to put a stop to Francine's playful antics.

Lorraine has rather a more extreme plan of her own, however, and during a picnic outside, splashes acid all over Francine's face.

The rest of the episode is spent with Francine's face deliberately obscured from view, which creates both agonising suspense and even a little fear up until the expected 'grand reveal'. Like Shallow Vows, the writing goes to huge lengths to make her injuries sound as horrific as possible.

Only at the very end do we finally get to see the skeletal, melted remains of her face, and for a mere two seconds at that. The image will certainly shock you - especially after having been denied seeing it for so long.

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Graduate composer, on-and-off session musician, aspiring novelist, professional nerd. Where procrastination and cynicism intertwine, Lee Clarke can be found.