American Dad! - 10 Most Uncomfortable Episodes

6. Tapped Out

Camp American

Unlike his father, Steve Smith is a soft-natured, sensitive, and socially awkward boy. As a result, he is often seen to be a lot closer to Francine - although, this episode proves that there's definitely, DEFINITELY such a thing as too close in a mother-son relationship.

When 14-year-old Steve discovers that Francine has been secretly sneaking breast milk into his food his whole life, he is, understandably, grossed the hell out. After cutting off the supply cold turkey, though, he begins to feel strangely lethargic, so proposes that he be gradually "weened off" the stuff instead.

This leads to him literally becoming addicted to breast milk, so much so that he - yep, you guessed it - can't even wait until it's... out of the factory, so to speak.

Things get weirder from there, believe it or not, as Steve and Francine seclude themselves in the house, with Francine singing 'Old MacDonald Had a Farm' during her son's "feeding times". I don't care who you are - that's an image that will never not be disturbing.

Oh, and Jeff also has a chimp's face in this one. Yep, it's bizarre.

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Graduate composer, on-and-off session musician, aspiring novelist, professional nerd. Where procrastination and cynicism intertwine, Lee Clarke can be found.