American Dad: Ranking Every Main Character Worst To Best

8. Principal Lewis

American Dad Avery Bullock

Principal Brian Lewis used to be a devoted high school teacher, there in the background of Steve's stories, offering little more than an authority figure who genuinely cared about the school and the children. There is possibly no character that has gone through quite so much change over the years, however.

He has since become a gun-toting, weed smoking manic, who enjoys drinking and urinating on school property, bullying his pupils, and manipulating their talents for monetary gain. Steve said it best, it really is hard to believe that Lewis is an educator.

Realistically, Brian Lewis shouldn't be liked as a character. Some of the things that he has done in Langley Falls, including but not limited to both physically and verbally harassing the female members of his staff, should make him hated. However, whether it's because of the deep gravitas that Kevin Michael Richardson brings to the role, or the sheer unapologetic audacity with which he acts, people seem to love him.

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This standard nerd combines the looks of Shaggy with the brains of Scooby, has an unhealthy obsession with the Marvel Cinematic Universe, and is a firm believer that Alter Bridge are the greatest band in the world.