American Horror Story: 10 Saddest Deaths

6. Ma Petite

American Horror Story Violet Death

Another character in Freak Show who didn't deserve their cruel fate was Ma Petite (who was portrayed by Jyoti Amge, the world's smallest woman).

Ever since she was brought into the sideshow, Ma Petite was like a daughter to both Elsa and Pepper. She completed their family and was likewise adored by the rest of the troupe.

Much like Meep, Ma Petite's playful spirit and cheerful attitude marked her as an instantly loveable character. But this is American Horror Story, and nothing good happens to good people here.

Ma Petite would find herself in the sights of swindler Stanley who means to exploit the sideshow to acquire new exhibits to sell to a museum, and Ma Petite would make the perfect new addition to his collection.

Though he initially tasked his partner in crime Maggie to kill her, she was unable to bring herself to do the horrific act. Stanley, however, wasn't so easily dissuaded by Ma Petite's charms.

Captured by the monstrous and heartless Del and placed in a jar, Stanley would drown Ma Petite in formaldehyde as she begged to be let out.

This sequence is one of Freak Show's most harrowing moments and a death which audiences weren't soon to forget.


Glasgow-based cinephile who earned a Masters degree in film studies to spend their time writing about cinema, video games, and horror.