American Horror Story: 10 Saddest Deaths

2. Adelaide Langdon

American Horror Story Violet Death

The many ghosts which populate the eponymous Murder House of American Horror Story's first season are each bound to the house by their own tragic turn of events. But the horrors of the show aren't just reserved for inside the house. One character who experienced this first-hand was Adelaide Langdon (Jamie Brewer), who met their devastating end on Halloween night.

Tate's sister and the daughter of the cold and calculating Constance, Adelaide (Addie for short) used to live in the Murder House before the Harmons moved in and knows all about the house's spectral residents. Despite her troubled upbringing, Addie remained one of the most loving and compassionate characters in the show. And it's this which makes her death infinitely more painful.

While out trick-or-treating as a "pretty girl" for Halloween, Addie is suddenly struck by a car while running across the road. With the paramedics unable to resuscitate her, Constance tries to move her onto the Murder House's property in a final effort to keep her daughter's spirit near her. But Addie doesn't make it.

Jessica Lange's gut-wrenching performance only underscores the shocking loss of one of American Horror Story's most cherished characters.


Glasgow-based cinephile who earned a Masters degree in film studies to spend their time writing about cinema, video games, and horror.