American Horror Story: The Best Character Of Each Season So Far

7. AHS: Cult - Kai Anderson

Lady Gaga Countess

When it was revealed that American Horror Story's seventh season would be taking inspiration from the election of Donald Trump, everyone rolled their eyes. Despite this, it didn't take long for fans to realise they were watching one of the show's best instalments.

A gripping thriller about paranoia and societal discord, Cult primarily follows Evan Peters' scene-stealing Kai Anderson, an Internet troll turned manipulative cult leader and self-styled revolutionary.

Kai offers Peters the chance to give his best performance on the show, finding distinctive balance between the extremist's harrowing past and his very deceptive but hypnotic allure.

Whether he was recruiting loyal followers to his cause, speaking to his decomposing parents, manipulating his sister, or clashing with season co-protagonist Ally Mayfair-Richards, Kai was always the most compelling character on-screen, and watching him was an absolute joy - albeit a frequently terrifying one.


I get to write about what I love, so that's pretty cool. Every great film should seem new every time you see it. Be excellent to each other.