The Americans: 5 Burning Questions For Season 3

5. When Will Martha Find Out About "Clark?"

Martha is perhaps the series' most naive character, and though she certainly adds a great deal of comic relief to the proceedings, I can't help but feel bad for how far Philip has gone to deceive her. He began by sleeping with her for information, then "married' her in order to further earn her trust and get her to plant bugs in the FBI office and steal classified documents. While Philip and Elizabeth are out in the field, engaging in often-violent undercover missions, it's Philip's nights with Martha that come with the biggest sense of dread and anticipation. Eventually, the other shoe is going to drop, and Martha will find out that her husband is actually an undercover KGB operative using her for information. Now, we're just left wondering how and when that revelation will occur. We know Martha has a gun, and is constantly growing more impatient with "Clark's" secrecy. She nearly had a mental breakdown when she couldn't get him on the phone this season, and is constantly on the verge of breaking the news of her marriage. Will she let something slip, and garner the suspicion of the FBI? Or will someone at her office catch her in the act of treason, then reveal Philip's identity to her through some deeper investigation? Or, will she simply try to remove what she thinks is Clark's toupee? And, perhaps more importantly, we have to wonder how she'll react when she finally does find out.

James is a 24 year old writer and filmmaker living in Portland, OR. He attended college for graphic design and writes for various sources on the web about film, television, and entertainment. You can view all of his work on his website,