Angel: Every Main Character Ranked Worst To Best

2. Wesley Wyndam-Pryce

Angel Spike
20th Television

Between these last two, it's really a game of inches. For this list, Wesley Wyndam-Pryce takes the runner-up spot, but really there's very little (if anything) to fault with his character. His arc rivals that of Spike, Buffy and Willow, Denisof's acting is second-to-none, and Wesley's development from prissy Watcher to full-fledged action man with injuries to spare is a near-unbeatable revelation.

Wesley started out as he was in season three of Buffy - pompous, smarmy, annoying, and laugh-at-him funny. But after a Season 2 with Angel and the team, he began to grow more than anyone, becoming a leader, a fighter, a broken but loyal friend and a conflicted man beaten down but never broken by the world around him.

He tried to save Connor when he thought Angel was going to kill him; he had his throat cut; his friends left him; he fell in love only to have the relationship cut short by tragedy; he shot his "father" to protect those he loved; and he finally died fighting the forces of darkness, willingly laying his life on the line to do the right thing.

It doesn't get much better than that...

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Aidan Whatman hasn't written a bio just yet, but if they had... it would appear here.