Angel: Every Main Character Ranked Worst To Best

3. Cordelia Chase

Angel Spike
20th Century Fox

Watching Buffy, it would have been impossible to imagine Cordelia Chase as anything more than a mean girl master of sarcasm who had no interest in dealing with the supernatural. But that's exactly what happened. Leaving Sunnydale for LA, she reunited with Angel, as a failing actress who comes to realise she can help Angel help people.

Still as sassy and confrontational as ever, Queen C was quick to grow into a caring and compassionate friend and fighter of evil. Given the ability to see future evil before it happens by The Powers That Be, she had to adapt to the way of world quickly, and did so with little fault.

Her storyline may be marred slightly by the character assassination of season four, but no matter how poor and ill conceived it all was, it never took away from the greatness of her character and her arc. She was selfless, relatable, funny and strong, and (no apologies here) the perfect woman for Angel.

A true original gone before her time, Cordelia was the glue that held the show together for its first three and a half seasons, and things would have been much worse had she not been around.

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Aidan Whatman hasn't written a bio just yet, but if they had... it would appear here.