Angel: Every Main Character Ranked Worst To Best

1. Winifred "Fred" Burkle

Angel Spike

Finally, we come to the creme de la creme of the show. Fred was a god-send. Encountered in a demon dimension in Season 2 and brought back to LA with the rest of the team, she was a bit of a mess thanks to her five-year confinement, but soon grew to prove herself as one of the team's most integral and important members.

The smartest on the team, there's no doubt Fred was a touch loopy, but she was also care-free, honest, loyal to a fault and wise. She was never annoying; she also never did the wrong thing. She represented everything that Angel, Spike, Wesley, Gunn and Cordelia were fighting for, and had no issues with getting her hands dirty.

Of course, Joss Whedon had to come along and kill her - slowly and cruelly - creating an episode as devastating as Buffy's The Body. Fred's death solidified the fact that the show wouldn't end on a major high, as it snuffed out the series' brightest light and biggest reason to fight.

Fred stands as the best character in the series, despite the fierce competition, and just goes to show how great Angel is.

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20th Television

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Aidan Whatman hasn't written a bio just yet, but if they had... it would appear here.