Angel: Every Main Character Ranked Worst To Best

10. Harmony Kendall

Angel Spike
Mutant Enemy

Mean-girl-turned-vampire Harmony Kendall (Mercedes McNab) first appeared on Angel in the second season, reuniting with her old BFF Cordelia before revealing herself as a vampire. She then disappears, before reappearing in the show's final season to act as Angel's new secretary in his offices at Wolfram and Hart.

This opens up some great moments of dark comedy, as Harmony - always materialistic and a bit naive - proves to be the funniest and most awkward vampire in the Buffyverse. Her blunt, sarcastic nature makes it clear why she was brought in following the loss of Cordelia, and her interactions with the likes of Angel and Spike (James Marsters) are simply hysterical.

This is all well and good, but there's just not enough of Harmony to make her work as a main character. McNab has great acting chops and her comedic timing is to die for, but as a character that's all Harmony seems to be - a funny, silly side character who offers nothing to the team's dynamic or the show's overall plot. At least we still have the jokes, though.

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I get to write about what I love, so that's pretty cool. Every great film should seem new every time you see it. Be excellent to each other.