Archer: 10 CRAZY Cheryl Moments

5. Cheryl, Cyril And The Blimp

Archer Cherlene

Among Archer fans, the maiden season episode “Skytanic” is often commended as one of its finest episodes, with hilarious jokes, big character moments and a literally explosive finale. For Cheryl fans, her shining moment in this episode is what is subsequently referred to in numerous episodes on the show as “choke-sex on a blimp”.

By “Skytanic”, the strenuous relationship between Lana and Cyril has reached a tumultuous crescendo. Cyril has stowed away out of jealously, having already cheated on Lana with our favourite nymphomaniac. Meanwhile, Cheryl has also found her way on board and spends the entire episode sexually tormenting the hapless accountant.

Eventually, and repeatedly, Cyril gives into his urges and has violent blimp sex with Cheryl, all whilst Pam disturbingly watches. In what has become one of Archer's most iconic scenes, Cheryl gleefully asks Cyril to choke her harder, Cyril ponders his choices and Pam yells out “you’re ruining your life”.

The manic comedy continues when Cyril leaves and Pam 'helps' an apoplectic Cheryl by "kinda" drowning her best friend, whilst Malory enters with a face that screams "I am done with this company". Its the type of episode that makes for uncomfortable explaining but enthralling viewing.

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