Arrow: 10 Characters Who Should Join Season 5

7. Rick Flag

Arrow Nightwing
DC Comics

In the comic book realm, Rick Flag(g) is someone who is often tasked with leading the Suicide Squad and who takes orders from Amanda Waller and A.R.G.U.S.

Arrow as a show has heavily involved A.R.G.U.S. in its storylines, not to mention also using Amanda Waller and even the Suicide Squad themselves. Unfortunately for Waller, she had a bullet put through her skull during Season 4. As a result, Lyla Michaels had to step up and take over from The Wall, but bringing Rick Flag into the fold would be an easy move to make for the show.

By the time Season 4 came to a close, Diggle had seemingly decided to step back from Team Arrow to return to the military. What if that means Lyla needs to spend more time at home to look after young Sara? That leaves a void in A.R.G.U.S. – a void that could be perfectly filled by Rick Flag.

Of course, this all depends on Warner Brothers and their big screen DC Universe. The reason that Waller, and Deadshot for that matter, were killed off by Arrow was reportedly down to The WB not wanting certain key characters appearing on the small screen who will also soon be appearing in their DC Extended Universe. Then again, Rick Flag is only a small cog in the cinematic DC world and there are nowhere near as many plans for him as there are for Waller and Deadshot.

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