Arrow: 10 Huge Things We Learned From The New Trailer

9. Starling City Rises Up

It will be hard to blame Oliver if he doesn€™t feel inclined to spend a day puppet-mastering the ATOM into silly situations. With the Arrow€™s arrangement with law enforcement destroyed by the agents of Ra€™s al Ghul, his personal life under scrutiny by Captain Lance, his sidekick imprisoned in his stead, and his leathers in SCPD lockup, consummate control freak Oliver won€™t be in the merriest of moods. His current situation is far more precarious than past episodes that have forced him to lay low; Oliver€™s secret is out, and he won€™t find safe quarter in any corner. Although greeted with rousing cheers and a press conference only a few episodes earlier, the killing spree for which Oliver has been framed has clearly managed to turn all of Starling against the Arrow. While the heat may be temporarily off of Oliver with another vigilante in custody, the mob surging toward poor Roy as he is led into the precinct in handcuffs and the green hood indicates that vigilantism will no longer be tolerated by the public. Whether the new status quo extends to non-archers like Black Canary and ATOM will remain to be seen, but this may indeed be the end of Oliver€™s mission to save the city.
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Fiction buff and writer. If it's on Netflix, it's probably in my queue. I've bought DVDs for the special features and usually claim that the book is better than the movie or show (and can provide examples). I've never met a TV show that I won't marathon. Follow on Twitter @lah9891 .