Arrow: 10 Questions We Need Answered Before The End Of Season 4

1. Is Laurel Really Dead?

Arrow Damien Darhk
The CW

The writers and actors have sworn up and down that this isn’t some sort of fake-out and Laurel’s gone for good. Yet, in a show full of fake deaths and Lazarus Pits, it’s hard to completely take them at their word. There will always be some new plot device that could revive a character and it’s hard to truly accept that she’s gone.

There was still a lot of potential with Laurel and her status in the Green Arrow mythos is impossible to ignore. There’s been a ton of backlash to her death and unresolved points like what she made Oliver promise to her make it feel like her story is far from over.

The most plausible theory at the moment concerns Earth-2 Laurel. Set to appear in The Flash, some are wondering if this character will come over to Arrow and take Laurel’s spot, embodying a more comic-faithful version of the character, and the real Black Canary that Oliver ends up with. As this is literally what happens in the comics, it doesn’t seem like that's much of a stretch.

What are you dying to know from the remaining episodes? What questions do you need answered? Let us know in the comments.


Connor loves movies, comics, and TV, and is trying to write for people who feel the same way. When he's not sitting on the couch with his laptop, you might find him lying in his bed with his laptop.