Arrow: 10 Questions We Need Answered Before The End Of Season 4

4. Can Star City Be Saved?

Arrow Damien Darhk
The CW

It would seem that once again, a big bad is trying to destroy Star City. We don’t know how exactly Darhk is planning on doing it, but he seems fairly intent on gaining control of Star City for himself and HIVE.

Whether he actually intends to destroy the city remains to be seen, but if he does, it bears remembering that Oliver has failed in this regard before. Malcolm actually succeeded in destroying the Glades, suggesting that the show is willing to make the city suffer the consequences of Oliver’s inability to stop the antagonists.

Even if Darhk doesn’t physically destroy the city, it may already be beyond saving. The city has descended into crime and desperation, even if we haven’t been shown it on a regular basis. Hypothetically, if Star City could turn things around, it could be a way to change up the dynamics for Arrow. Make him a crime fighter in a prosperous city, where he may no longer find himself essential. That kind of conflict could be pursued next year, or they could keep falling back on the standard.


Connor loves movies, comics, and TV, and is trying to write for people who feel the same way. When he's not sitting on the couch with his laptop, you might find him lying in his bed with his laptop.