Arrow: 4 Characters That Absolutely Cannot Die (And 4 That Can)

2. Thea Queen

Who She Is: Thea Queen is the beloved baby sister of Oliver Queen. She's outgrown the bratty entitlement of her first season on the show and evolved into a strong young woman. Despite an unfortunate stretch in which she was drugged by her biological father and forced to do his dirty work, she has chosen to use the skills that he instilled in her to fight to save Star City as the vigilante known as Speedy. Why She Can't Die: Thea pretty much died about six months following the premiere of Season 3; Thea dying six months following the premiere of Season 4 would just be repetitive. Oliver has already reacted to her imminent demise, and she's already gotten a climactic fight with a supervillain. Twice in two years would be too much. Thea is also Oliver's last untainted connection to what good there was in him before the island. Most of those who knew him as Pre-Island Ollie would have known him for his awful public persona and terrible hair; most of those who saw the good heart underneath the loathsome veneer and have not been epically wronged by him are dead and buried by this point. Thea is the last one standing.

Fiction buff and writer. If it's on Netflix, it's probably in my queue. I've bought DVDs for the special features and usually claim that the book is better than the movie or show (and can provide examples). I've never met a TV show that I won't marathon. Follow on Twitter @lah9891 .