Arrow Season 3: 10 Things That Must Happen

7. Thea Merlyn

In the closing moments of the finale, Thea Queen breaks up with on-and-off again boyfriend Roy Harper, and aligns herself with her biological father and enemy of her brother, Malcolm Merlyn (If you doubted her new evil side at all her new black, leather attire should put your mind at ease). Malcolm Merlyn€™s intentions will surely have a more devious agenda than just helping his only living blood relation. In some twisted way, he could blame Oliver and Laurel for Tommy€™s death and use Thea as a way to get his revenge. Due to Thea€™s big anti-murder stance, it€™s too far fetched that she would don a costume of her own and hone in on her archery skills. (Not to mention the lack of training argument that was made with Laurel). However, Thea becoming the new CEO of Merlyn Global Group is not completely out of the norm. It€™s her blood right to be the new head of the company, and will no doubt be guided by Malcolm along the way who is still presumed dead to Oliver and the rest of the world (except the League of Assassins). An evil, dark twist to Thea would certainly be interesting and add an extra dimension to a character most deem far too €˜soap opera€™ at times. Handled well, she could end up being an excellent adversary to Oliver who will go through a full series of emotions having to battle his own baby sister €“ a girl whose good heart he praised.
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An aspiring filmmaker, writer, traveller, and avid comic book fan, with an undying passion for calligraphy and chopping boards shaped like fruit. Genuinely enjoys receiving your hate mail.