Arrow Season 4: 10 More DC Characters We'd Love To Appear

6. Doctor Mid-Nite

Since the A-list heroes of the Justice League seem to be almost universally off-limits, Arrow has had a lot of success pulling from the lesser-known Justice Society of America. One of that team€™s marquee members, who would fit right in with the darkness of Arrow, is Doctor Mid-Nite. Somewhat like Daredevil before he was cool, Mid-Nite is blind in the light but able to see in darkness. His combat revolves around a tactical approach and stealth strikes. He also offers an extremely useful function in that he€™s a trained physician, who's known for patching up other superheroes. This role could easily help to explain how the swift returns of any banged-up heroes in the future. And though Mid-Nite is traditionally depicted as the Scandinavian Pieter Anton Cross, they could use the character to add some diversity to the cast by instead adapting the younger, female Beth Chapel version of the character.

Connor loves movies, comics, and TV, and is trying to write for people who feel the same way. When he's not sitting on the couch with his laptop, you might find him lying in his bed with his laptop.