Arrow Season 7 Finale: What Does The Ending Really Mean?

4. The Flash-Forwards Will Continue Next Season

Arrow William Mia Zoe Connor
The CW

The flash-forward narrative was a surprising new addition to this season of Arrow that literally nobody was expecting. While it went down mixed (mainly due to the fact that it has the potential to be brilliant but rarely is), it gave viewers a chance to get acquainted with the Green Arrow's children, as well as the chance to catch up with the aged versions of some of the show's most beloved characters.

The future storyline was built upon the rise of The Glades and the fall of Star City - major events that Galaxy One was responsible for. With that villainous organization meeting its end in the season finale, along with the walls that separated Star City from its most notorious district, it initially seemed like the flash-forward narrative was all but ready to wrap up. However, when Dinah, Roy and Felicity revealed that they were going to take the fall for the attack on Galaxy One and subsequently go into hiding, they essentially passed the torch to William, Mia, Connor and Zoe.

With Mia having finally embraced the vigilante side of life, along with her archer-themed heritage, it's pretty clear that she won't be going anywhere next season. Throw in the fact that William, Connor and Zoe are also 'legacy children', and it's pretty clear that they will be joining her on her mission.

Without the need for Dinah and Roy, the training wheels have come off and, in Season 8, Star City 2040 will officially meet New Team Arrow.

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Michael Patterson is an experienced writer with an affinity for all things film and TV. He may or may not have spent his childhood obsessing over WWE.