Arrow Season 7 Finale: What Does The Ending Really Mean?

3. Oliver Queen Will Replace Barry As The Crisis' Primary Sacrifice

Arrow Oliver Queen Green Arrow Elseworlds
The CW

Ever since Oliver arranged a private meeting with The Monitor in the closing moments of Elseworlds, fans have been wondering just what kind of deal the pair made, with the most popular theory being that, in exchange for the lives of Supergirl and The Flash, he would sacrifice his own life. Well, after months of uncertainty, the Season 7 finale confirmed those suspicions.

Utilising previously unseen footage, the episode treated viewers to an extended version of the conversation between Oliver and The Monitor, where the Emerald Archer effectively told the mystical being that he would put his own life on the line as long as he spared Kara and Barry from the fates they were supposed to suffer during Elseworlds.

Adding to this, The Monitor's arrival at Oliver's house confirmed that he must sacrifice himself to save the multiverse while, in the future, Oliver's own tombstone confirmed 2019 to be the year of his apparent death.

Now, the Crisis has been teased since The Flash debuted on our screens back in 2014 and, from that moment, it was pretty clear that the Scarlet Speedster was destined to vanish during the cataclysmic event. However, when that long-awaited event headlines next season's Arrowverse crossover, it's looking likely that Oliver will replace Barry as The Crisis' primary sacrifice.

However, that doesn't necessarily mean that he has to die...

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Michael Patterson is an experienced writer with an affinity for all things film and TV. He may or may not have spent his childhood obsessing over WWE.