Arrow Season 7 Finale: What Does The Ending Really Mean?

2. Oliver Isn't Really Dead

Arrow Season 7 Finale Felicity Monitor
The CW

As future Felicity found herself wandering down a lonely highway, she came face-to-face with the being that took her husband from her two decades prior. But she wasn't angry, quite the opposite in fact.

"I'm ready." she told The Monitor as she clutched her wedding ring, informing viewers that she had waited a long time to see "him" and, in doing so, reminded us of how she told Oliver in the present-day scenes that she would find him someday. With that, she made her way through a portal into the unknown, fully aware that it was a one-way trip.

Whether she went to another dimension, universe, earth or even realm will remain a mystery but, despite that, Felicity's departure does solve another mystery - Oliver Queen doesn't die in the Crisis.

A shocker indeed, but if you cast your mind back to that infamous 2024 newspaper article, you'll recall that the headline read 'Flash Missing: Vanishes In Crisis'. It never outright stated that he was dead because, quite frankly, it was impossible to confirm. Thus, it's highly likely that in the original timeline, Barry sacrificed his chance at an everyday life with those he loved in order to protect them from the Crisis without actually sacrificing his life. He didn't die, he just vanished.

The same can now be said for Oliver who, like Barry in that original timeline, has been presumed dead for over two decades while, unbeknownst to everyone (bar Felicity), has actually been alive this whole time. Now, with Felicity by his side once more, the pair can finally rest, in peace - together forever.

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Michael Patterson is an experienced writer with an affinity for all things film and TV. He may or may not have spent his childhood obsessing over WWE.