Arrow Season 8 Review: 5 Ups & 2 Downs From 'Reset'

4. David Ramsey's Direction

Arrow Diggle

Though John Diggle temporarily showed up throughout Oliver and Laurel's time-loop (playing rather conflicting roles), the character was off-screen for most of the episode - and for good reason, as actor David Ramsey spent this episode behind the camera instead.

As director, the Arrow veteran certainly did a remarkable job on all counts, utilising the 'out-there' concept of the time-loop to draw out some of the finest performances of the season from the actors involved - and then capturing it all with some beautifully-shot invasive close-ups.

This isn't Ramsey's first foray into directing - he previously directed episode 7.11 'Past Sins' which also happened to be an Oliver/Laurel centric offering - but it was a more vivid experience that also managed to maintain the character-driven elements from his first outing, highlighting that he is capable of bringing something new to an already-effective formula.

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Michael Patterson is an experienced writer with an affinity for all things film and TV. He may or may not have spent his childhood obsessing over WWE.