Arrow Season 8 Review: 7 Ups & 2 Downs From 'Present Tense'

3. Setting Up The Future

Arrow Season 8 Canary
The CW

"Why wait for a future we can start making now?"

That was the question that Rene Ramirez posed us with right before he launched his campaign to become mayor. Having learned that he was due to become a corrupt politician and that his daughter Zoe was destined to die, he vowed to change the future, refusing to let those events ever transpire.

'Present Tense' thrived on the arrival of the next generation of Team Arrow because they were able to warn their predecessors of what was to come simply by relaying what their world looked like. Were they meddling with time if they were transported there by a cosmic being? That remains to be seen, but it certainly looks like our characters are ready to start learning from their past to change their own future.

"Not all of the future was bad, right?" Laurel Lance reminded us. "Just do the good stuff." And with that, Rene kick-started his campaign, Diggle began training Connor and the Canaries began working towards their network - and the dark fate that awaits Star City in 2040 is wiped from existence (or so we hope).


Michael Patterson is an experienced writer with an affinity for all things film and TV. He may or may not have spent his childhood obsessing over WWE.