Arrow Season 8 Review: 7 Ups & 3 Downs From 'Purgatory'

2. The Fight Scene

Arrow Season 8 Oliver Queen John Diggle Laurel Lance Black Canary
The CW

There was something almost cathartic about watching that final fight scene on Lian Yu. Between the fact that it allowed each member of Team Arrow some well-earned moments to shine to the fact that multiple shots were long and continuous, it gave us one last chance to appreciate the show's fight choreography in all its glory.

With explosions, gunshots and plenty of roundhouse kicks, there was so much goin on that it should have been hard to focus your eyes in one specific area, but the strong camerawork made it easy to look at what the show wanted us to see. More than that, it highlighted just how much of it actually took place in the same shot.

But perhaps the best part about all of it was the slow motion segment, in which Oliver stopped and looked back at the all-out war unfolding before his eyes. It was a moment in which he, and by extension we, could appreciate the legacy that he (and the show) has left behind in Team Arrow... and a unique perspective as we watched one more of those wonderful, wonderful fight scenes.

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Michael Patterson is an experienced writer with an affinity for all things film and TV. He may or may not have spent his childhood obsessing over WWE.