Arrow Season 8 Review: 7 Ups & 3 Downs From 'Purgatory'

3. Best Team Arrow Ever

Arrow Season 8 Team
The CW

Forget OTA and forget NTA, because 'Purgatory' introduced us to the greatest iteration of Team Arrow the show has ever produced. Yes, when Oliver found himself confronted by Fyers and his men, he proudly told them that he wasn't alone either. And with that, he was backed up by Spartan, Black Canary (Laurel Lance), Wild Dog, Mia Smoak-Queen, Black Canary II (Dinah Drake), Connor Hawke and even Yao Fei.

The moment in which they all stepped out of the shadows to support Oliver was one that was unexpectedly emotional, for we knew that this would likely be the very last time that Team Arrow would fight side-by-side. And with a team that incredible, it's safe to say that Arrow saved the best for last.

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Michael Patterson is an experienced writer with an affinity for all things film and TV. He may or may not have spent his childhood obsessing over WWE.