Batman Beyond: 10 Best Villains

3. Joker

Batman Beyond Return Of The Joker
Warner Bros

Of course The Joker was gonna come back, and when he did, they made it an event by making a whole movie about him coming back to wreak havoc on Gotham one last time. And Batman Beyond: Return Of The Joker did not disappoint.

The Joker, wanting to make sure his madness would be eternal, implanted a copy of his personality into Tim Drake's brain after he kidnapped and tortured him to break his mind. For years he would overwrite Drake's mind with his own without his knowing, to the point that Joker's grand reappearance in Gotham was met with legitimate shock and horror by him.

The Joker is in top form in this movie, but he's also at his most vulnerable, particularly in the finale, where Terry proceeds to give him the most satisfying dressing down and deconstruction of his character in comic book history, mocking literally everything about him. Joker can handle many things, but he cannot handle being the butt of the joke, and that ultimately proves his undoing. A brilliant end to this brilliant rendition of DC's most famous villain.


John Tibbetts is a novelist in theory, a Whatculture contributor in practice, and a nerd all around who loves talking about movies, TV, anime, and video games more than he loves breathing. Which might be a problem in the long term, but eh, who can think that far ahead?