Batman: The Animated Series: 10 Most Disturbing Episodes

7. See No Evil

The New Batman Adventures Growing Pains
Warner Bros

This episode introduces us to little Kimmy Ventrix and her imaginary friend Mojo. However, we quickly learn that Mojo is actually Kimmy's father, Lloyd Ventrix, an ex-convict who was issued a restraining order by Kimmy's mum, Helen. Thanks to landing a job at a research lab, Lloyd gets his hands on an experimental fabric which has the ability to bend light around itself, rendering it invisible. Naturally, Lloyd fashions a suit from the material and sets about committing robberies and secretly visiting his daughter as Mojo.

Like most abusers, Lloyd comes across perfectly charming most of the time, especially when playing with Kimmy or trying to convince Helen to let him back into their lives. But the undercurrents of his possessive and aggressive personality are clear and they come to the forefront when he learns that Helen plans to move herself and Kimmy out of Gotham, leading to him kidnapping his daughter.

This is another episode that isn't disturbing due to frightening visuals, but due to a very scary real-world situation. Lloyd's stalking and abusive behaviour are all too real and it is sadly all too common for parents to take extreme measures during messy custody disputes, resorting to kidnapping their children or worse.

The fantastical element of Lloyd's invisibility only serves to make the story even creepier, with Kimmy's interactions with "Mojo" being downright unsettling. After all, fear of unseen tormentors is something that every person experiences. Mix that in with an endangered child and you'll get sickening results.


Just a socially awkward geek from Down Under who spends most of his time in some fantasy world or another. Usually seen accompanied by a bow tie.