Battle Creek: 10 Things We Already Know About Vince Gilligan's Next Masterpiece

10. This Is Vince Gilligan's Other Post-Breaking Bad Series

Actually, does Better Call Saul count as post-Breaking Bad when it's set before that show? Either way, Gilligan's got two shows on his plate as opposed to one, which is probably why he's got two other saps to run them instead (Shore on Battle Creek, BB writer and Saul Goodman creator Peter Gould on Better Call Saul) so he can flit between the two with minimal fuss. It's hard to gauge which series we should be more excited about: Better Call Saul has the allure of the nostalgic, set in a world we're familiar with and following characters we've come to love (and not just the lead, either - Aaron Paul recently said he'd love to reprise his role as Jesse Pinkman on the show) but could easily succumb to the shark-jumping fates of many a tired, pointless spin-off like Baywatch Nights or, like, three Happy Days offshoots (yes, those are definitely comparable examples). On the other hand, Battle Creek is a chance to start afresh in a new universe with new characters, and on the opposite side of the law to Breaking Bad. New is always appealing, but it's also easier to get something wrong when you haven't tried it before. That doesn't seem like it'd be too much of a problem for Gilligan or any of the Breaking Bad crew, mind, as mistakes brought about many new ideas and perspectives on the show during writing and production and made the show better for it. Most sources state that Battle Creek will be airing in the "2014-2015" season, which means we could get to see it as early as September, but no shooting dates have yet been announced so we'll have to wait and see. With Better Call Saul already likely set to air in 2014, will viewers be able to cope with having two Gilligan-produced shows on at the same time?

Film history obsessive, New Hollywood fetishist and comics evangelist.