Battlestar Galactica: 10 WORST Things To Happen In The Colonial Fleet

8. Left Behind

Battlestar Galactica Attack on the fleet

One of the first casualties of the new Colonial Fleet is the Olympic Carrier. In the days that follow the destruction of the Twelve Colonies, Commander Adama and President Roslin work to coordinate the fleet that they have left. This is not helped by the fact that the Cylons continue to appear every 33 minutes, hounding the beleaguered crew.

That is, they continue this until one ship fails to make the jump on one of these occasions. It is the Olympic Carrier, a passenger vessel with over 1000 people on board.

While the crew in the CIC of Galactica argue over who is responsible for this, Adama gravelly cuts it short by stating simply that when mistakes happen, people die.

He is entirely correct. Though the Olympic Carrier itself reappears later, it is clear that the people on board have not come with it - presumably condemned to death at the hands of the Cylons.

However, if they had in some way still been present on board, that would not have helped. There is a radiological alarm sounded and the President orders the ship's destruction. Apollo fires and the ship explodes.


Writer. Reader. Host. I'm Seán, I live in Ireland and I'm the poster child for dangerous obsessions with Star Trek. Check me out on Twitter @seanferrick