Battlestar Galactica: All Human Cylon Models Ranked From Worst To Best

1. Number 6

Battlestar Galactica Cylon

There was never a question as to who the top spot was going to. However, rather this simply being a ranking of popularity, there are many, many examples of why Six is the top agent in the Cylon forces.

First, the audience were treated to so many different variations on the Six model that she, perpaps better than any other character on the show, displayed a greater diversity and range. Although the models all look alike, they were so clearly different from each other. Had all copies of the Cylon models been identical in every way, then they wouldn't have made for very good infitrators.

Six fooled everyone. She fooled Baltar, supposedly the smartest man alive. She fooled Admiral Cain, an officer who took absolutely no prisoners. She fooled Commander Adama...although that, admittedly, was only for a shorter time. Perhaps Shelley Godfrey simply didn't have the skills of the rest of her line.

Tricia Helfer was, far and away, the stand-out star of Battlestar Galactica. This was a cast full of so many incredibly talented actors that that, truly, is saying something.

Six and Tricia Helfer deserve the top spot on any ranking list, earned entirely through the stellar performances that the audience were treated to.


Writer. Reader. Host. I'm Seán, I live in Ireland and I'm the poster child for dangerous obsessions with Star Trek. Check me out on Twitter @seanferrick