Battlestar Galactica: All Human Cylon Models Ranked From Worst To Best

7. Ellen Tigh

Battlestar Galactica Cylon

The shocking reveal of the identity of the final Cylon model came midway through the fourth season of Battlestar Galactica as, waist deep in the waters on Earth, Saul Tigh remembers a conversation that he and Ellen had before their deaths. Whichever life they live, they seem to be destined to be together.

Ellen Tigh, before her death at the hands of her husband, was a liability at best. Cavil programmed her to attempt to learn something about the nature of being a Cylon before the destruction of the Colonies, but he was disappointed to find that she had learned very little. Once she was resurrected however, a different woman stood before him.

Ellen, once she had regained her memories, had grown immensely. She wanted only peace between the Cylons and the Humans, arguing that Humanity was a beacon for the Cylons to follow. She 'escaped' with Boomer, though this was a ploy. But through it all, she loved Saul.

There was a brief moment where the 'old' Ellen threatened to resurface, upon discovering that Saul and Caprica Six had conceived a child. She saw this as wrong, as to her, the other models were their children. But this moment also passed, and she and Saul returned to each other.

She was a complicated, yet brilliant, person - played by Kate Vernon. Vernon managed to nail down the characteristics that kept her from becoming too much of an annoyance, ensuring that even in her most frustrating moments - Ellen Tigh was a fascinating character.


Writer. Reader. Host. I'm Seán, I live in Ireland and I'm the poster child for dangerous obsessions with Star Trek. Check me out on Twitter @seanferrick