Batwoman Season 1 Review: 4 Ups & 3 Downs From 'Down, Down, Down'

1. Batwoman Is Born

Batwoman Episode 2
The CW

Much like Oliver Queen before her, Kate spent the first few episode of her respective show telling us all the reasons why she wasn't a hero while inadvertently showing us that all the ways that she was. She may have been temporarily taking on the role of the city's saviour, but her reasons for doing so were personal and had nothing to do with the greater good. That is, until she realised all the good she could do.

Using the costume as the final rite of passage to becoming her own hero was a clever device that certainly made up for not seeing it in the first episode, and it was almost fitting that she donned it when she finally figured out what she wanted to be. And the sight of her standing there in that suit, atop that building as she looked down over her city was nothing short of magnificent.

The Batwoman that we know and love has finally been born, and this writer is looking forward to seeing where Kate Kane's journey takes her next - and wherever that may be, she's going to look incredibly badass going there.


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Michael Patterson is an experienced writer with an affinity for all things film and TV. He may or may not have spent his childhood obsessing over WWE.