Better Call Saul: 10 Easter Eggs From The Pilot You Have To See

5. The Proto-Walter White

Never mind not being able to escape Walter White in the present day, however. All the signs that Heisenberg and Goodman's paths were to one day cross were apparently there from the beginning, as a pair of potential clients Jimmy McGill meets with half way through €œUno€ bear a striking resemblance from the man who would eventually make him his millions. For a price. The couple that Jimmy courts, with the husband being pulled up on embezzlement charges from his government job, are wary about even needing a lawyer. If that hesitation wasn't enough to recall Walt and Skyler White, the look and dynamic of the pair are the spitting image of Breaking Bad's unhappiest union. The husband has the look of Walter White at the beginning of the series €“ full head of wiry brown hair, the crummy glasses, the unstylish clothes €“ whilst his line delivery must intentionally be like Bryan Cranston's. Throw in a wife as controlling as some (wrong) fans always accused Skyler of being, and you have the proto-Whites!

Tom Baker is the Comics Editor at WhatCulture! He's heard all the Doctor Who jokes, but not many about Randall and Hopkirk. He also blogs at